Logo Startup Africa Roadtrip White

Next Generation Africa

Think Glocal

Supporting the innovation ecosystem in Rwanda

Create impact locally, growth globally while delivering innovative solutions.

About the program

Startup Africa Roadtrip is a 100% free support program targeting the best entrepreneurs and innovators in East Africa, offering mentorship, training, connection to investors and industrial partners and a trip to Italy for the top performers! The program is organized by the non-profit association BeEntrepreneurs, which has already organized two very successful mentorship programs in Kampala and one in Nairobi. 

The goal is to scout and select startup founders, innovators, makers and young talents who intend to develop products or services with high potential impact on relevant topics. The selected startups will take part in a free week of training and co-planning at Norrsken House Kigali in August 2023 with the chance to win a fully funded trip to Italy in the spring 2024. 

The trip will allow the selected startups to present their projects to Italian professionals, universities, investments funds and to build bridges between our two ecosystems of innovation. We want to give brilliant African innovators the opportunity to build strong relationships with local and Italian/European stakeholders for a win-win business approach, creating a collaborative, multicultural and innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem without barriers and borders!

The topics

We want to make a positive and lasting impression on the local industry by selecting the projects with the highest impact

We directly refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, “which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests”.

Benefit of Joining

Startups selected to participate in the bootcamp week will have the chance to create long-term, valuable connections with stakeholders of the local ecosystem of innovation and with our network of Italian partners and excellences.


Furthermore, the best 3, evaluated during a final event by a jury made up of members from Rwandan universities, incubators, investors, and institutions, will win the opportunity to travel to Italy for a fully funded road trip to meet potential partners. Moreover:

  • They will have the opportunity to collaborate and co-design new ideas with some of the most-influential stakeholders of the Rwandan ecosystem of innovation;
  • They will also have the opportunity to network with mentors, potential investors, partners, and other interesting stakeholders;
  • Throughout the bootcamp, participants will have access to not only learning opportunities, but also exciting, engaging, and inspiring events;
  • They will have the chance to improve their early business features with tailored mentorship and tutoring, and work with experts to enhance the potential of their projects;
  • They will also have the opportunity to improve their storytelling and build compelling pitches;
  • Startups will have the chance to present their ideas to the local investor network and other influential individuals, and foster conversation with them;
  • All the startups will enter our community of professionals and individuals with shared passions and ambitions!
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Why Us

The mission of BeEntrepreneurs is to support the growth of sustainable new businesses, by forming a new generation of entrepreneurs, through the development of core skills and the use of specific startup acceleration tools

BeEntrepreneurs offers a next-level accelerator and mentorship program that is built on exciting roller coasters of activities of various types and formats. We have the great opportunity to be hosted in the wonderful space of Norrsken House, benefiting as well of their invaluable support and experience!

Our team is made of volunteers with extended professional experience in international ventures, with some highly specialized profiles leading world-class entrepreneurial programs. They’re ready to guide startups through actionable best practices, inspiring talks, memorable group activities, and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

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Startup Africa Roadtrip_Donate Image

Closing of the call for startups on 7th of June 2023

Selection of up to 20 of the best Startups from East African landscape to bring to the final sprint


The selection committee evaluates all the applications with also 1-1 in-depth meetings


Introduce our methodology and prepare startups to the bootcamp in Kigali, Rwanda


An intense journey of learning by doing and fruitful meetings with the key players of the local innovation ecosystem (7th – 11th of August 2023)

final event

Showcase your progress and take your startup to the next level!


The call is OPEN.


Application steps
1. Screening phase

Tell us about your team and project/ startup with detailed info about your project, revenues and customers.


  • Pitch Deck (mandatory)
  • Business Plan (optional)
2. One to One phase

Let’s get to know each other better. This is your chance to show to us your potential.


  • Pitch Deck
  • Business Plan (optional)
  • Prototype (optional)
  • Visual explanations (optional)
3. Announcement Day

We will get in touch with the team that has made it to the bootcamp in Kigali!


  • So much excitement!
4. Onboarding

Time to e-meet your future partners, mentors and other startups. It’s a great time to show your soft skills.


  • Pitch Deck
  • A lot of.. energy!


Do I need to be based in Rwanda to apply?

No. We accept applications from startups based all over the African continent, however please note that you’ll be responsible for covering travel and accommodation expenses in Kigali if you’re selected for the bootcamp.

What kind of projects can apply?

We welcome all kinds of projects, from ideation to pre-seed stage, as long as you can clearly show the positive impact it will have on the local community. So don’t be shy and apply! Here is an example of past bootcamp finalists.

Will travel and accommodation expenses be covered during the bootcamp?

No, unfortunately we’re not able to cover travel and accommodation expenses during the bootcamp in Kigali (Rwanda). We will, however, provide lunch and refreshments. You will also be responsible for getting visas to Rwanda, if travelling from abroad.

Will I be notified even if I’m not selected for the bootcamp?

Yes, we aim to let all participants know about the outcome of their application.

PROMOTERs & Supporters

Rwanda Development Board Logo
Norrsken foundation
F2A Logo
F2A Logo

PROMOTERs & Supporters




Startup Africa Roadtrip_Logo Digitonic
Kigali Marriott Hotel Logo
Startup Africa Roadtrip_Logo Digitonic
Kigali Marriott Hotel Logo

Technical Partners

Startup Africa Roadtrip_Logo Digitonic

Startup Africa Roadtrip_Logo Merakin

Startup Africa Roadtrip_Kigali Marriott Hotel Logo
Startup Africa Roadtrip_Startinev Logo
Startup Africa Roadtrip_Davet

Ecosystem Partners

Davis College Kigali - Logo
Carnegie Mellon Africa Logo
African Management Institute Kigali - Logo
Aganza Capital
Digital Africa - Logo
Impact Hub Kigali - Logo
Westerwelle Start Up Haus Kigali - Logo
Katapult Africa - Logo
OffGridBox - Logo
GPS Development Consulting - Logo
Karisimbi Tech - Logo
BAG Innovation - Logo
Fermentalista - Logo
Aquaponic Design S.r.l -logo

Ecosystem Partners

Startup-Africa-Road-Trip_Carnegie Mellon Africa logo

Startup-Africa-Road-Trip_African Management Institute Kigali-logo

Startup-Africa-Road-Trip_Angaza Capital-logo

Startup-Africa-Road-Digital Africa-logo

Startup-Africa-Road--Trip-Impact Hub Kigali -logo

Startup-Africa-Road-Trip-Westerwelle Start Up Haus Kigali-logo

Startup-Africa-Road-Trip-Katapult Africa-logo
Startup-Africa-Road-Trip- GPS Development Consulting -logo
Startup-Africa-Road-Trip-BAG Innovation-logo
Startup-Africa-Road-Trip-Karisimbi Tech-logo
Startup-Africa-Road-Trip-Aquaponic Design S.r.l -logo
Not ready to join the call but still want to get in contact? Drop us your email!

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